The world is our dog park

Riding a bike is a great way to get exercise and having your buddy along with you makes it even more fun! Having them sit up front between your arms with their ears flapping in the breeze is sure to put a smile on your face. (And make the people you meet along the way smile, too!)
We’re proud of our dog bike carrier - the Buddyrider®. But we feel even better knowing our Buddyrider® has inspired such a positive sense of community around the world!

The original buddy and rider

Buddyrider® was invented in 2009 by Colin Catton of Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.
Unhappy with the rear-mounted child seat he used for cycling with his kids, Colin adapted a standard bicycle seat and attached it to the crossbar of his bicycle. The central positioning provided better weight distribution and handling, making it a much safer and more satisfying experience for both Colin and his kids.
Colin’s kids grew up, and along came a new four-legged family member: Jack, a Parson’s terrier who wanted to go everywhere Colin went.
This gave Colin an idea and after many prototypes, the Buddyrider® was born. Today Buddyriders are making tails wag, and people smile around the world.